
Showing posts from October, 2016

How to Meditate on the Bible Word

What is Mediation? Meditation means: Emptying or concentration of mind: the emptying of the mind of thoughts, or the concentration of the mind on one thing, in order to aid mental or spiritual development, contemplation, or relaxation Pondering of something: the act of thinking about something carefully, calmly, seriously, and for some time, or an instance of such thinking Serious study of topic: an extended and serious study of a topic. How to Meditate on the Word of God I am going to share a verse with you in the book of, “ Josh 1:8. This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. AMP” Find at least 30 m...

The Journey of Success

 Don’t dwell on the past errors or failure, focus on the future, Don’t be afraid of what you see physically on your way to your future or destiny, don’t be intimidated by what you see, because the life is more than the physical itself, what coordinate things of the physical are things we can’t see, must of the great things scientist discovered are not physically perceived, examples are; electrical power, internet, Magnetic field and many more. That is why the bible said, we are not walking by sight, but by faith. On your journey to your promise land, you will face many distraction, intimidation and humiliation, but never give up, because you are not alone, God is with you. When you are journey with H e doesn’t want murmuring or complain, He wants you to totally depend on him. Dwelling on the past failure or defeat is a sin to God that can cause drastic punishment or destruction. Lot wife dwell on her past after she had been warned by the angels never to look back, but w...

How to Connect to God in Prayer

To pray to God, you must being in the realm of prayer, without you being in the realm of prayer, you cannot connect with God. Take for instance, you ware in Nigeria and you want to communicate with the person in an America. If the communication must be successful, you must use a device that will help you to connect to the network, it is after all these processing are completed you can communicate your mind to the second party. But without all these processing, there will be no successful communication. The same thing with praying to God, you must be in the realm of the spirit before you can pray or communicate to God. John said, “John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." NIV This mean, without you being in the realm of spirit and truth, there will be no communication, you will just be talking to yourself. To pray to God, you have to meditate on his word (truth), it is the meditation that will take you there, in another words, it ...

Biblical Secret to Success

The bible said your capital is wisdom, it also said; wisdom is the principal thing, with all getting, get Knowledge. God said to Solomon to ask for what he desired, he never requested for wealth, money, long life, but he requested for wisdom and knowledge. Imaging God ask you to requests for what you want. I believed you will bring out long list of your request that you have being keeping for long time ago. But because Solomon recognized that wisdom and knowledge is the key to success. And his father, David, had instructed him to seek for wisdom and knowledge, because it is the principal thing.   Prov 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.   NKJV   That was why when God questioned Solomon to ask for what he wants from him, in the books of chronicles, 2 Chron 1:7-12. That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." 8 Solomon answered God, "You have show...